Punctuation #1 Christoph De Boeck 2015

A series of cylinder objects adds punctuation to the indoor space of a building. The objects contain an impact mechanism that strikes the element it is attached to. When struck, resonant surfaces in the interior setting are highlighted by means of acoustics. Sound marks time and joins space.

This punctuation gives an ephemeral shape to the timing of registered e-mail traffic in a former postal distribution building that is already a ruin in media history. This building, along the canal in Brussels, is the site for the Poppositions art fair and exhibition in 2015.

This first work is part of a series that implements in sites an acoustic print of data sequences that are related to the function or history of that site.

Produced by Overtoon

Productions by Christoph De Boeck

Punctuation #2
Punctuation #1
Plant Condition
Language I
Time Code Matter
Black Box
Hortus Sonoris
Floating Beam